年度 2017
全部作者 黃瑞宇,Chao-Yi Liu, Ruei-Yu Huang, An-Chen Lee
論文名稱 High speed tracking control of ball screw drives
會議名稱 5th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME 2017)
地點 Tokyo, Japan
會議期間 2017/06/09-11
卷數 241
論文類型 會議論文,海報展示
論文等級 Others
總頁數 7
著作人數 3
摘要 This paper presents a new method to achieve the requirement of high speed and high precision for ball screw drive. First, a PI controller is adopted to increase the equivalent structural damping in the velocity loop. Next, the design of the position controller is implemented by a two-stage method. The Doubly Coprime Factorization Disturbance Observer (DCFDOB) is developed to suppress disturbance and resist modelling error in the inner loop, while the outer loop is then designed based on method to extend the system bandwidth over first resonant frequency so that high speed and high accuracy can be achieved. Finally, a feedforward controller is implemented to improve tracking performance. The experiment results showed that the proposed method has smaller tracking error and better performance for suppressing disturbance when compared to the conventional cascaded P-PI control.
發表日期 2017-11-01
語言 英文