姓名 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院)
電子郵件 chchen(at)mail.nctu.edu.tw
職 稱 教授
辦公室 工程五館477室
組別 能源與熱流組、微奈米工程組
授課領域 燃燒及防火安全工程(防火試驗及火災模式)、能源技術(綠建築技術及燃料電池)、
研究專長 燃燒防火實驗測試研究、計算流體力學應用於壓縮機熱流分析、半導體製程CVD模擬及 火災模式
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
美國 凱斯西儲大學 機械與航太工程學系 博士 1983.09 ~ 1985.08
美國 凱斯西儲大學 機械與航太工程學系 碩士 1980.09 ~ 1983.08
中華民國 國立台灣大學 機械工程學系 學士 1974.09 ~ 1978.06
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立交通大學 工學院 教授兼院長 2009.08 ~ 2015.07
工研院 工研院能環所 顧問 1999.01 ~ 2006.12
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 系主任 1998.08 ~ 2002.07
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 教授 1990.08 ~ 迄今
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 副教授 1987.08 ~ 1990.07
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2013 鍋爐廢氣用於微藻生物質能生產整合技術計畫 陳俊勳 主持人 2013.08 ~ 2013.12 能源局
2013 高性能3kW風光互補整合系統實場開發之研究 陳俊勳 主持人 2013.08 ~ 2015.07 國科會
2013 學研合作計畫-微流體生殖醫學-仿生、檢測與組織工程 陳俊勳 主持人 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 國科會
2013 畜殖廢棄物沼氣發電系統產業化與微藻減碳及淨化畜牧廢水技術之建立 陳俊勳 主持人 2013.02 ~ 2013.12 國科會
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2016 陳俊勳老師在科技部網站之論文清單" href="/zh_tw/per/per1/journal/陳俊勳老師在科技部網站之論文清單-90242653" target="_blank">陳俊勳老師在科技部網站之論文清單
2013 Enhancements of Power Generation by Using Biogas in a Swine Farm Chiun-Hsun Chen The First Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology, Biosystems Engineering
2013 The Experimental Study on Biogas Power Generation Enhanced by Using Waste Heat to Preheat Inlet Gases Tsung-Han Lee, Sheng-Rung Huang, and Chiun-Hsun Chen Renewable Energy
2012 Numerical Analysis of Power Efficiency of Wind Rotor Systems in a Parallel Matrix Jia-Shiuan Feng, Chin-Lien Tseng, and Chiun-Hsun Chen Computational Thermal Science
2012 An Experimental Study on Micro Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Chiun-Hsun Chen, Tang-Yuan Chen, Chih-We Cheng, Rong-Gui Peng Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Transaction of The ASME
2012 The Numerical Study of Geometric Influence of Flow Channel Patterns on Performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells Chiun-Hsun Chen, Chang-Hsin Chen, Tang-Yuan Chen Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Transaction of The ASME
2012 A mutant strain of microalga Chlorella sp. for the carbon dioxide capture from biogas Chien-Ya Kao, Sheng-Yi Chiu, Tzu-Ting Huang, Le Dai, Guan-Hua Wang, Ching-Ping Tseng, Chiun-Hsun Chen, Chih-Sheng Lin Biomass & Bioenergy
2011 Performance Analysis on Planar Micro PDMS Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Chiun-Hsun Chen, Tang-Yuan Chen, Yi-Ja Hsu, Rong-Guie Peng Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
2011 Performance Analysis on Planar Micro PDMS Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Chiun-Hsun Chen, Tang-Yuan Chen, Yi-Ja Hsu, Rong-Guie Peng Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
2011 Performance Analysis on Planar Micro PDMS Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Chiun-Hsun Chen, Tang-Yuan Chen, Yi-Ja Hsu, Rong-Guie Peng Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
2011 Experimental and Numerical Studies of Micro PEM Fuel Cell R. G. Peng, C. C. Chung and C. H. Chen Acta Mechanica Sinica.
2011 Encapsulated Droplets with Metered and Removable Oil Shells by Electrowetting and Dielectrophoresis S. K. Fan, Y. W. Hsu and C. H. Chen Lab on a Chip.
2010 Numerical Performance Analysis of an Annular Miniature Gas Turbine Power System using Fuels with Low Heating Values C. H. Yang, D. H. Wu and C. H. Chen International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow Iss: 7.
2010 Transport phenomena and performance of a plate methanol steam micro-reformer with serpentine flow field design C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, and C. H. Chen Applied Energy Issue10
2010 Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in the plate methanol steam micro-reformer channels C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, C. H. Chen and M. H. Chang Appl. Therm. Eng.
2010 Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in a plate methanol steam micro reformer with methanol catalytic combustor C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, and C. H. Chen International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2010 High-efficiency Combustion of Natural Gas with 21-30% Oxygen-Enriched Air K. K. Wu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, Y. D. Chen Fuel
2009 Development of an air bleeding technique and specific duration to improve the CO tolerance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells C. C. Chung, D. Z. Weng and C. H. Chen Applied Thermal Engineering
2009 Numerical Analysis and Experiment Investigations to an Annular Micro Gas Turbine Power System using Fuels with Low Heating Values C. H. Yang, C. C. Lee, J. H. Hsiao and C. H. Chen Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences No. 12
2009 Enhancement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance using a novel tapered gas channel C. C. Chung, P. J. Zhuang and C. H. Chen Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering No. 2
2009 Design and performance analysis of micro proton exchange membrane fuel cell C. C. Chung, R. G. Peng and C. H. Chen Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering No. 2
2009 Development of an air bleeding technique and specific duration to improve the CO tolerance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells C. C. Chung, D. Z. Weng and C. H. Chen Applied Thermal Engineering
2009 Effect of actuation sequence on flow rates of peristaltic micropumps with PZT actuators L. S. Jang, K. Shu, Y. C. Yu, Y. J. Li and C. H. Chen Biomedical Microdevices Issue 1
2009 Lipid accumulation and CO2 utilization of Nannochloropsis oculata in response to CO2 aeration C. S. Lin, S. Y. Chiu, C. Y. Kao, M.T. Tsai, S. H. Ong and C. H. Chen Bioresource Technology
2009 A Nanodot Array Modulates Cell Adhesion and Induces an Apoptosis-Like Abnormality in NIG-3T3 Cells H. A. Pan, Y. C. Hung, C. W. Su, S. M. Tai, C. H. Chen , F. H. Ko and G. S. Huang Nanoscale Research Letters
2008 “Reduction of CO2 by a high-density culture of Chlorella sp. in a semicontinuous photobioreactor,” S. Y. Chiu, T.C. Kuan, C. Y. Kao, S. C. Ong, C. H. Chen, C.S. Lin, Bioresource Technology Issue 9
2008 “Performance Simulation and Thermal Stress Analysis of Ceramic Recuperators by SiC and MAS,” C. H. Yang, M. T. Yu, C. H. Chen, C. H. Chen, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications
2008 "Performance evaluation of a water mist system in semiconductor wet bench fires," W. Y. Chang, P. K. Fu, C. H. Chen, Y. L. Shu, IChemE's Journal, Part B: Process Safety and Environmental Protection
2008 Improvement of CO Tolerance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) By an Air-Bleeding Technique C. C. Chung, H. H. Lin, Y. Y. Yan and C. H. Chen Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
2008 Transient Behaviors of a Flame Over a Tsuji Burner Y. D. Chen, D. D. Chen and C. H. Chen Acta Mechanica Sinica Issue 6
2008 Numerical study for flows over porous spheres and cylinders with/without blowing Y. C. Ji, C. H. Huang and C. H. Chen Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics Nos. 7/8
2008 Analysis of pyramidal surface texturization of silicon solar cells by molecular dynamics simulations H. Y. Chung, C. H. Chen and H. S. Chu International Journal of Photoenergy Article ID 282791
2008 Analysis of Surface Texturization of Solar Cells by Molecular Dynamics Simulations H. Y. Chung, C. H. Chen and H. S. Chu International Journal of Photoenergy Article ID 540971
2008 Evaluating the Performance of a Portable Water-Mist Fire Extinguishing System with Additives W. Y. Chang, P. K. Fu and C. H. Chen, Y. L. Shu Fire and Materials Issue 7
2007 “The Numerical Simulation for Flow and Pressure Distributions of Trains Movement in Tunnels,” W. K. Chang, Y. J. Hsieh, C. H. Chen and P. H. Lin, CSME No. 5
2007 “Investigation of Cell Operation Conditions for CO Tolerance Improvement of PEMFC" C. C. Chung, C. H. Chen, D. C. Weng, Y. Y. Yan, H. H. Lin, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers No. 6
2007 “Numerical Study For Downward Flame Spread Over A Finite-Length PMMA With Radiation Effect,” W. K. Chang, C. H. Chen and T. M. Liou International Journal of Transport Phenomena No. 3
2007 “Effect of opposed flow on flame spread over a finite-length PMMA slab in a two-dimensional wind tunnel,” W. K. Chang and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology
2007 “Simulation and experimentation of a microfluidic device based on electrowetting on dielectric,” L. S. Jang, G. H. Lin, Y. L. Lin, C. Y. Hsu, W. H. Kan, C. H. Chen Biomedical Microdevices No. 6
2006 “Experimental Visualization of Counterflow Flame Behind Porous Cylinder,” D. D. Chen, C. C. Chang, and C. H. Chen CSME No. 3
2005 “Interaction between Counterflow Flames over Binary Tsuji Burners Arranged in Side-by-Side” D. D. Chen, S. S. Tsa and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology No. 10
2005 “Assessment of Fire Protection Performance of Water Mist Applied in Exhaust Ducts for Semiconductor Fabrication Process,” Y. L. Shu, W. J. Jeng, C. W. Chiu and C. H. Chen, Fire and Materials 29
2005 “Evaluation of Downward Desmoke System in a Cleanroom,” C. W. Chiu, C. H. Chen, and C. C. Wang, International Journal on Engineering Performance-Based Fire Codes No.4
2004 “Radiation Effects for Downward Flame Spread Over a Thermally Thin Fuel in a Partial Gravity Environment,” K. K. Wu and C. H. Chen, Combustion Science and Technology
2003 “Downward Flame Spread OVER A Thick PMMA Slab in An Opposed Flow Environment,” K. K. Wu, W. F. Fan, C. H. Chen, T.M. Liou and I.J. Pan and T.H. Lin, Combustion and Flame
2003 “A Numerical Analysis of Ignition to Steady Downward Flame Spread Over A Thin Solid Fuel,” K.K. Wu, C. H. Chen and T. H. Lin, Combustion Science and Technology
2003 “The Study of Ignition and Flame Spread over a Thick Fuel in a Forced Convective Environment,” K.K. Wu, W.F. Fan and C.H. Chen, CSME No. 3
2003 “Flame Spread over Thermally-Thin Solid Fuel under Quiescent, Zero-Gravity,” K. K. Wu and C. H. Chen CSME No. 2
2003 “Flame Stabilization Over A Tsuji Burner by Using Four-Step Chemical Reaction,” S. S. Tsa and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology
2002 “Numerical Analyses for Radiative Ignition and Transition to Flame Spread over a Horizontally Oriented Solid Fuel in a Gravitation Field," P. H. Lin, W. F. Fan and C. H. Chen, Combustion Science and Technology
2001 “Numerical Study for Interaction between Water Mist and Counterflow Diffusion Flame over Tsuji Burner,” S. S. Tsa, E. T. Liu, and C. H. Chen, Combustion Science and Technology
2000 “Numerical Analyses for Radiative Autoignition and Transition to Flame Spread Over a Vertically Oriented Solid Fuel in a Gravitational Field,” P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen, Combustion Science and Technology
1999 “Influence of Two-Dimensional Gas Phase Radiation on Downward Flame Spread,” T. H. Lin and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology
1999 “Numerical Analyses for Downward Flame Spread Over Thin and Thick Fuels in Gravitational Field,” P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen Combustion and Flame
1999 “Numerical Analysis of Ignition and Transition to Downward Flame Spread Over A Thermally-Thin Fuel,” T. H. Lin and C. H. Chen, International Journal of Transport Phenomena
1998 “A Numerical Analysis of Flame Spread Over A Thin Fuel Inclined From Vertically Downward to Horizontal,” C. H. Chen and M. T. Yang, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers No. 4
1998 “Numerical Analysis of A Burning Droplet with Internal Circulation in A Gravitational Environment,” L.W. Huang and C. H. Chen, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A
1998 “Ventilation Effects on The Fire Structure in A Compartment,” W. H. Ho, L. W. Weng and C. H. Chen, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering No. 3
1997 “Droplet Ignition In a High-Temperature Convective Environment,” L.W. Huang and C. H. Chen Combustion and Flame
1997 “A Comparative Study of Fire Protection Properties and Combustibility for Building Materials,” C. H. Chen, L. S. Chang, M. Y. Lei and S. Chou, Fire and Materials
1996 "Transient Combustion of A Heating Droplet In A Gravitational Environment,” L.W. Huang and C. H. Chen Warme- und Stoffubertragung (Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics)
1996 “Counterflow Diffusion Flame With Gas-Phase Radiation,” C. H. Chen and K. H. Chang, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers No. 1
1995 “Flame Stabilization and Blowoff Over a Single Droplet,” L. W. Huang and C. H. Chen, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A
1995 “A Numerical Analysis of Horizontal Flame Spreade Over A Thin Fuel in Normal and Elevated Gravity Regime,” C. H. Chen and S. C. Chan Combustion Science and Technology 1-3
1994 “Single Droplet Combustion in A Gravitational Environment,” L. W. Huang and C. H. Chen, Warme-und Stoffubertragung (Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics)
1994 “Gas-Phase Radiative Effect on Downward Flame Spread in Low Gravity,” C. H. Chen and M. C. Cheng Combustion Science and Technology 1-3
1993 “Heat Transfer for Fluid Flow Past an Isothermal Heated Sphere,” C. H. Chen and L. W. Huang Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers No. 2
1993 “Flame Spread Over a Thermally-Thin Solid Fuel in Zero Gravity,” F. C. Duh and C. H. Chen Warme-und Stoffubertragung (Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics)
1991 “Turbulent Boundary Layer Diffusion Flame: Effects of Probability Density Function,” C. H. Chen, C. Y. Lan and D. Y. Shan AIAA Journal No. 3
1991 ”Diffusion Flame Stabilization and Extinction Under Nuaturally-Convective Flows,” C. H. Chen and W. H. Hou, Combustion and Flame
1991 “Diffusion Flame Stabilization and Blowoff over A Porous Cylinder,” C. H. Chen and F. B. Weng Combustion Science and Technology
1991 “A Theory for Downward Flame Spread Over A Thermally -Thin Fuel,” F. C. Duh and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology 291
1990 “Heat Transfer for Incompressible and Compressible Fluid Flows Over A Heated Cylinder,” C. H. Chen and F. B. Weng, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A
1990 “A Numerical Study of Flame Spread and Blowoff over A Thermally-Thin Solid Fuel in An Opposed Air Flow,” C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology
1986 “Diffusion Flame Stabilization at the Leading Edge of a Fuel Plate,” C. H. Chen and J. S. T`ien, Combustion Science and Technology
1984 “Fire Plume Along Vertical Surfaces: Effect of Finite-Rate Chemical Reactions,” C. H. Chen and J. S. T`ien, Journal of Heat Transfer
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點
2012 The Numerical Analyses for Co-firing of Adaro coal and Torrefied wood Blends in T-fired boiler Chia-Wei Chang, Pei-Hsun Lin and Chiun-Hsun Chen International Symposium on Transport Phenomena
2012 Separation of Dendritic and T Cells Using Electrowetting and Dielectrophorsis C.-A. Chen, C.-H. Chen, A. M. Ghaemmaghami, S. -K. Fan IEEE International conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems
2011 Electricity Generation by Using Biogas and Oxygen-enriched air from Swine Manure for a Farm Power Requirement Tsung-Han Lee, Wei-Tsung Lin, Chun-Hsiang Yang, Chiun-Hsun Chen International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering
2010 The Simulation of Burning Behavior of BFG in Hot-Blast Stove C. W. Chang, P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen The 10th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization Turkey
2010 Liquid-liquid extraction in encapsulated droplets Y.-W. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems Hong Kong, China
2009 Fabrication of Micro Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and Performance Test R. G. Peng, C. W. Cheng, C. H. Chen Third European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference Rome, Italy
2009 The Experimental Study of the Effect of Flow Pattern Geometry on Performance of Micro Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell T. Y. Chen, C. H. Chen and C. H. Chen World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology Norway
2009 「疏水Polybenzoxazine應用於介電濕潤元件」 楊正臣、王業昇、許耀文、邱誠樸、張豐志、陳俊勳、范士岡 第14屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會
2009 「以介電泳與介電濕潤控制介電液體與導電體液體之數位微流體晶片」 許耀文、陳俊勳、范士岡 第13屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會
2009 “The effects of oxygen concentration for energy saving and emission with a gas-fired burner,” K. K. Wu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen and Y.D. Chen The 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena Victoria BC, CANAD
2009 “Water Droplet Encapsulation by A Quantitative and Removable Oil Shell,” Y.-W. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan Transducers, Denver, CO, USA
2009 “The Discussion on Recent Fire Safety Issues for Advanced Facilities,” C. H. Chen, Invited Speaker, IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display Taipei, Taiwan
2009 「利用微製程術製作微型質子交換膜燃料電池之研究」 彭榮貴,陳瑭原,鄭致瑋,陳俊勳 2008 第三屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會
2009 “Formation, Transportation, and Evaporation of Encapsulated Droplets,” Y.-W. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering Tainan, Taiwan
2009 利用微製程技術製作微型PDMS燃料電池 許義嘉、彭榮貴、陳瑭原、陳俊勳 2009資源與環境學術研討會
2009 “System Identification and Performance Improvement to a Micro Gas Turbine Applying Biogas” C. H. Yang, C. C. Lee and C. H. Chen International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering Italy
2008 “An Improved Numerical Model Analysis and Experiment Investigations to a Methane-used Annular-type Micro Gas Turbine Power System,” C. H. Yang, R. H. Hsiao, and C. H. Chen The Tenth World Renewable Energy Congress Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2008 “Digital Microfluidic Packaging by Droplet-Level Encapsulation,“ C. W. Chen, Y. W. Hsu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, and S. K. Fan Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology Taiwan
2008 “Digital microfluidic packaging by droplet-level encapsulation,” C.-W. Chen, Y.-W. Hsu, Y.-C. Chang, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers (APCOT ‘08) Tainan, Taiwan
2007 “Numerical Studies for Flows over the Porous Spheres and Cylinders with/without Blowing,” Y. C. Ji, C. H. Huang and C. H. Chen ASCHT2007
2007 "Optimal Design of a methane-used combustor: applying CFD Modeling" C. H. Yang., D. H. Wu, and C. H. Chen The 3rd International Green Conference
2006 “The Evaluation of Fire Suppression Efficiency of A High Pressure Single-Fluid Water Mist System under Forced Ventilation by Using A Numerical Simulation,” W. Y. Liu and C. H. Chen 2006 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (2006ISSST) Changsha, China
2006 “The Performance Evaluation of Portable Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System,” Y. L. Shu, W. Y. Chang, P. K. Fu and C. H. Chen 2006 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (2006ISSST) Changsha, China
2006 「細水霧滅火系統添加藥劑之滅火性能研究」 張文耀、傅炳坤、徐一量、陳俊勳 2006經濟部工業局工業安全衛生論文研討會
2005 “ Experimental and Numerical Studies for Flame Spread Over A Finite-length PMMA with Radiation Effect,” W. K. Chang, , C. H. Chen and T. M. Liou The Sixteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-16) Prague, Czech Republic
2005 ”Validation of Water Mist Suppression Systems under Ventilation Conditions in Compartment Space Efficiency of Computer Numerical Simulation,” W. Y. Liu, H. C. Lu, Y. L. Shu, C. H. Chen 2005 Asia Pacific Conference on Risk Management and Safety Hong Kong
2005 二氧化碳對質子交換膜燃料電池性能的影響 陳俊勳, 鍾振忠, 顏貽乙, 林祥輝, 宋隆裕 第二十二屆機械工程研討會 國立中央大學, 台灣
2005 「淺談工業火災風險分析概論」 劉維義、呂信忠、陳俊勳 消防與防災科技
2005 「電腦數值模擬在細水霧滅火效能之應用與探討」 劉維義、 陳俊勳 2005經濟部工業局工業安全衛生論文研討會
2005 “Improvement of CO Tolerance of PEMFC By An Air-Bleeding Technique,” C. C. Chung, C. H. Chen, H. H. Lin and Y. Y. Yan Oral prestation in The 3rd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Ypsilanti, MI, U.S.A
2005 “The Flame Transition Analyses for Methane-Nitrogen Fuels Over A Tsuji Burner,” D. D. Chen, Y. C. Tsai and, C. H. Chen Proceeding of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion
2004 「半導體製程排氣風管細水霧防火效能評估之研究」 鄭維金、雷明遠、陳俊勳、徐一量 2004經濟部工業局工業安全衛生論文研討會
2004 “The Study of Droplet Actuation Based on Electrowetting,” L. S. Jang, W. Y. Chang and C. H. Chen presented in 2004 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology Tainan, Taiwan.
2003 「火災後果模擬運用於核能電廠防火設計案例研究」 蔡清雄、陳俊勳 核設施之消防設計技術與應用研討會
2003 「淺談工業火災原因調查」 劉維義、林木榮、藍成陽、李全、陳俊勳 消防與防災科技
2003 「水氣霧滅火系統在船舶火災之消滅與應用」 劉維義、徐一量、林木榮、陳俊勳 消防與防災科技
2003 「高科技產業火災風險控制及預防」 劉維義、林木榮、陳俊勳 2003工業安全衛生技術研討會
2003 「細水霧滅火系統在石化廠儲槽火災之消減應用」 劉維義、徐一量、林木榮、陳俊勳 消防與防災科技
2003 「半導體業環安整合性風險評估技術與實例」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、姚嘉文 工安環保報導第12期
2003 「環安整合稽核實務探討」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、姚嘉文 工安環保報導第15期
2003 「台灣半導體廠法規適用之問題」 陳俊勳 消防與防災科技雜誌第6期
2003 「細水霧系統如何應用在半導體廠房廢氣管路防護」 鄭維金、雷明遠、陳俊勳 消防與防災科技雜誌第7期
2003 「台灣壓力容器標準國際化趨勢之比較與探討」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、萬榮富 第十一屆海峽兩岸及香港、澳門地區職業安全衛生學術研討會 澳門
2003 「半導體業OHSAS 18001與ISO 14001風險評估整合技術」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、姚嘉文 第十一屆海峽兩岸及香港、澳門地區職業安全衛生學術研討會 澳門
2003 「半導體業OHSAS 18001與ISO 14001風險評估整合技術」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、姚嘉文 第十一屆海峽兩岸及香港、澳門地區職業安全衛生學術研討會 澳門
2003 「半導體與光電製程危害分析診斷模組資料庫建置與應用」 林瑞玉、陳俊勳 第15屆化學工業工安研討會
2003 「半導體製程風險評估實務-以WJ 1000T機台為例」 謝明宏、陳俊勳、姚嘉文 工業安全科技期刊第48期
2003 「高科技廠房工程生命週期之問題節點防災管理」 林俊昌、王維志、陳俊勳 2003科技廠房防災知識管理研討會
2003 「細水霧滅火系統應用於半導體廠房性能式設計實務探討」 鄭維金、雷明遠、陳俊勳、徐一量 2003科技廠房防災知識管理研討會
2003 「科學工業園區之電害防護」 陳俊勳 2003科技廠房防災知識管理研討會
2002 「半導體業SHE(安全衛生環保)風險評估技術」 謝明宏、姚嘉文、陳俊勳 2002年工業安全衛生技術研討會
2002 「環境試驗對電纜線負載時表面溫度影響之研究」 魏吳晉、陳俊勳 第14屆燃燒技術研討會
1999 Influence of Solid Fuel Orientation on Autoignition P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen Proceeding of Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion Tainan
1999 “Numerical Analysis for Radiative Autoignition of A Vertical Solid Fuel in A Gravitational Field,” P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen Proceeding of Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion Tainan
1999 建築物火災安全評估及電腦模式之應用 陳俊勳、林佩勳、吳國光 建築物防火法規與防火安全設計研討會 台北
1999 Numerical Analysis for Radiative Autoignition of A Vertical Solid Fuel in A Gravitational Field P. H. Lin and C. H. Chen Proceeding of Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion Tainan
1997 ”壁裝材料大尺寸燃燒特性之研究” 陳俊勳,陳以修 第十四屆中國機械工程全國學術研討會 中壢
1997 “Numerical Simulation for An ISO 9705 Compartment Fire By Using A Field Model,” C. H. Chen and Y. S. Chen accepted to present in the Symposium of 1997 FORUM Meeting for International Cooperation on Fire Research Tianjin, China
1997 “ 防火工程 ( Fire Safety Engineering ) 國際發展現況及趨勢 ” 陳俊勳 建築物防火安全發展趨勢與展望研討會 交通部民用航空局國際會議廳
1997 “ 火災模式的運用” 陳俊勳 中華民國86年消防科技及工程電腦應用研討會 中央警察大學
1997 “An Evaluation of Taiwan Building Code for Interior Finishing Materials by Using ISO 9705 Test Method” C. H. Chen and S. F. Wang Accepted as Poster at the Fifth International Symposium on Fire Safety Science Melbourne, Australia
1996 “Ventilation Effects on the Flow Structure in a Compartiment: Cold Flow ” W. C. Ho, L. C. Weng and C. H. Chen 中華民國第二十屆全國力學會議論文 台北市
1995 “Downward Flame Spread as a Function of Angle of Inclination,” C. H. Chen and M. T. Yang Presented at The Eighth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-8)-Combustion San Francisco, Cal. U.S.A
1995 A Comparative Study of Fire Protection Properties and Combustibility for Building Materials C. H. Chen, L. S. Chang, M. Y. Lei and S. Chou AsiaFlam'95 Hong Kong
1995 建築材料煙毒測試基準 陳俊勳 95' 建築物防火法規與檢測基準國際研討會 台北
1994 ISO建材熱釋放率檢測方法 陳俊勳 建材耐燃性ISO標準說明會 高雄
1994 耐燃性測試方法及原理(一),(二) 陳俊勳 航空複合材料檢測技術研討會 新竹
1994 我國防火研究近況簡介 陳俊勳 建築材料耐燃、防火性能研討會 中華民國,台北
1994 材料燃燒性之探討 陳俊勳,雷明遠、張凌昇 建築材料耐燃、防火性能研討會 中華民國,台北
1994 “Gas-Phase Radiative Effect on Downward Flame Spread in Low Gravity,” C. H. Chen and M. C. Cheng AIAA-94-0576, presented at 32nd Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Reno Nevada, U.S.A
1993 “The Burning of an Upright Fuel Plate with the Effect of Multicomponent Diffusion,” 陳俊勳、吳滄榮 第一屆全國熱流會議 中華民國,台北
1993 建材耐燃性檢測基準 陳俊勳 建築耐性檢測研討會 中華民國,台北
1992 “我國建築物裝修材料耐燃性檢測基準之研究” 陳俊勳 第十三屆中日工程技術研討會:建築物防火性能探討 中華民國,台北
1991 “建築物室內裝修材料耐燃性檢驗測試及認定基準” 陳俊勳 建築材料防火性 能認定基準研討會 台北,台中,高雄
1991 “Counterflow Diffusion Flame with Gas-phase Radiation,” C. H. Chen and K. H. Chang, Presented at in The Fourth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena(ISTP-4)-Heat and Mass Transfer Sydney, Australia
1991 A Numerical Analysis for Downward Flame Spread Over A Thermally-Thin Solid Fuel F. C. Duh C. H. Chen presented at The First Combustion Conference of R.O.C Taiwan,