主講人: 吳牧謙 博士候選人 - 國立交通大學 機械工程學系
講題: 利用槽狀式電極常壓空氣電漿束產生之電漿活化水與電漿微氣泡特性
時間:2020/9/17 (周四) 3:30 pm - 5:20 pm
地點:工程五館 B1 國際會議廳
Discharge in water has been applied in many fields and considered as a promising tool in biomedicine due to the effect of some long-lived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species along with some very short-lived species. These species have been proved to be very important for effective sterilization. However, the concentration of those species in water treated by plasma jet are generally insufficient for many applications. This talk is going to introduce a new method that combines microbubble with plasma jet to enhance the mass transfer and thus greatly increase the concentration of the reactive chemical species in water.