書報討論 2022/4/21:On droplet combustion of multi-component biofuels in micro/normal gravity

  • 2022-04-20
  • 機械系網管
Date: 2022/4/21(Thursday) 3:30 pm – 5:20pm
演講者:潘國隆 教授
Please see the link for more:
研究專長: Fluid physics, combustion and energy, computational fluid dynamics, propulsion

Single droplet burning could be treated as a unit that is key to understanding the fundamental features of spray combustion in liquid-fueled engines. Moreover, in the environment of reduced gravity, the configuration of spherical symmetry has been adopted as a paradigm to reveal the essential behaviors of droplet combustion. By means of a small drop tower built in our lab, together with a technique allowing for free-falling droplets, we have investigated combustion of droplets made of various biofuels and mixtures, even doped with nanoparticles. Different patterns of microexplosions have been studied, demonstrating specific ways toward or against the occurrence. Comprehension of the roots would pave a route to various applications underlying the combustion in complex geometries of engines.
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