2023-11-24 |
碩士班招生公告 |
2862 |
2023-11-24 |
獲獎榮耀 |
788 |
2023-11-23 |
Institute of Fluid Science (IFS) at Tohoku University參訪
系所公告 |
744 |
2023-11-23 |
7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL)
系所公告 |
755 |
2023-11-21 |
廖英皓老師指導學生簡佑任同學參加The 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (2023 TJPL) 榮獲Excellent Poster Award。報告名稱: The Response of Ion Current in Lifted Non-Premixed Jet Flames under DC Electric Field。(112.10.28)
獲獎榮耀 |
553 |
2023-11-14 |
恭賀!蔡佳宏老師指導學生倪靖傑同學參加The 20th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (2023 ICFD) 榮獲Student Best Presentation Award。報告名稱: High-permittivity Substrates for Enhancing Plasma Bonding on Microfluidic Chip。(112.11.08)
獲獎榮耀 |
809 |
2023-11-14 |
獲獎榮耀 |
811 |
2023-11-13 |
【書報討論 2023/11/16】《第十週》
講者:國立台灣大學機械系 莊嘉揚系主任
講題:Design-on-Simulation Technology for Advanced Packaging Reliability Prediction
演講公告 |
628 |
2023-11-06 |
【書報討論 2023/11/09】《第九週》
講者:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 江國寧清華講座教授
講題:Design-on-Simulation Technology for Advanced Packaging Reliability Prediction
演講公告 |
620 |
2023-11-03 |
碩士班招生公告 |
1702 |