Journal Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Journal Title Issue.No Level Type
2002 "A study on seamless tube in planetary rolling process" Ray-Quan Hsu ,C.K. Shih, C.H. Hung, R.Q. Hsu Journal of Materials Processing Technology
2002 “Extrusion of three-layer composite hexagonal clad rods” Ray-Quan Hsu ,C.W. Wu, R.Q. Hsu Journal of Materials Processing Technology
2002 “A study on seamless tube in planetary rolling process” Ray-Quan Hsu ,C.K. Shih, C.H. Hung, R.Q. Hsu Journal of Materials Processing Technology
2002 “Integration of Finite Element Analysis and Optimum Design on Gear Systems” Ching-Hua Hung ,Chien-Hsing Li, Hong-Shun Chiou, and Chinghua Hung* Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (SCI, EI)
2002 “The Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Polymer under Hot Pressing” Ching-Hua Hung ,C. -R. Lin, R.-H. Chen, and Chinghua Hung* International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCI, EI)
2002 “A Study on Seamless Tube in the Planetary Rolling Process” Ching-Hua Hung ,Chih-Kang Shih, Ray-Quen Hsu, and Chinghua Hung* Journal of Materials Processing Technology (SCI, EI)
2002 FlowCharacteristics of the Molecular Pump of Holweck TypeIn the Slip Flow Regime Yeng-Yung Tsui ,Y. Y. Tsui, C. P. Kung and H. P. Cheng ASME J. Fluids Eng
2002 “Numerical Analyses for Radiative Ignition and Transition to Flame Spread over a Horizontally Oriented Solid Fuel in a Gravitation Field," Chiun-Hsun Chen ,P. H. Lin, W. F. Fan and C. H. Chen Combustion Science and Technology
2002 "Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of R-134a and associated bubble characteristics in a vertical plate heat exchanger" Tsing-Fa Lin ,Y. Y. Hsieh, L. J. Chiang and T. F. Lin
2002 "Visualization of Mixed Convection Vortex Rolls in an Impinging Jet Flow of Air through a Cylindrical Chamber" Tsing-Fa Lin ,T. C. Cheng, P. H. Chiou and T. F. Lin