Year 2018
Authors Ruei-Yu Huang,Yu-Xian Chen, Shih-Chung Chang, Yi-Ren Pan, An-Chen Lee
Author Type 2nd Author
Paper Title A New Framework of Disturbance Observer with Vidyasagar's Structure
Journal Title Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
Vol.No 39
Issue.No 6
Page(s) 619-635
Level Type SCI
Total Pages 17
Date of Publication 2018-12-01
Abstract This paper proposes a novel two degree of freedom (TDOF) control structure: a combination of Vidyasagar's structure (VS) and the doubly coprime factorization based disturbance observer (DCFDOB). The DCFDOB-VS framework is aimed at providing a control structure and design procedure for a MIMO system with good characteristics of disturbance attenuation, tracking, and decoupling property. The structure can deal with stable/unstable and minimum phase/non-minimum phase plants. The advantage of the method is that two parameters can be designed for different purposes, independently. The parameter H stabilizes the system and improves tracking property. Once the parameter H has been designed, then the Q(Y) can be implemented via a parameter Q for rejecting disturbances and improving the system robustness.
Language English