Cheng-Sheng Huang
Name Cheng-Sheng Huang
Email csh(at)
Office Tel No. 886-3-5712121 Ext.55108
Title Professor and Chairperson
Phone 886-3-5712121 Ext.55108
Office Room 478, Engineering Building 5
Web Page
Web Page Biochemical Sensors Laboratory
Laboratory Room 507, Engineering Building 5
Division Design-Manufacturing Engineering, Micro/Nano Engineering
Teaching Area Biochemical Sensors Protein Microarrays Design and Fabrication of optoelectronics Micro/Nanofabrication
Research Expertise Biochemical Sensors Protein Microarrays Design and Fabrication of optoelectronics Micro/Nanofabrication
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
United States University of Washington Department of Mechanical Engineering PhD 2003.03 ~ 2009.06
United States University of Washington Department of Mechanical Engineering M.S. 2001.01 ~ 2002.12
Taiwan National Chiao Tung University Department of Mechanical Engineering B.S. 1993.09 ~ 1997.06
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
National Chiao Tung University Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor 2016.08 ~ Up to today
National Chiao Tung University Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor 2012.02 ~ 2016.07
Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
2017 開發可整合於生醫晶片之微型光譜儀 黃正昇 計畫主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部
2017 應用於偵測洗腎病人驢瘻管血流量及血壓之無電池無線PPG感測陣列貼片 黃正昇 計畫主持人 2017.05 ~ 2018.04 科技部
2015 智慧手機平台之光纖生物感器 黃正昇 計畫主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部
2014 生物微陣列晶片應用之光子晶體微米柱基板設計與製造 黃正昇 計畫主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
2013 Silicon photonic crystals to enhance the application of fluorescent protein chip arrays (2/2) Cheng-Sheng Huang Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 National Science Council
2013 Towards the year 2013 Cheng-Sheng Huang CO-PI 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 Ministry of Education / R & D at NCTU
2013 102 towards the top universities in the annual "New teachers energizer Plan" Cheng-Sheng Huang Principal Investigator 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 Ministry of Education / R & D at NCTU
2012 Silicon photonic crystals to enhance the application of fluorescent protein chip arrays (1/2) Cheng-Sheng Huang Principal Investigator 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 National Science Council
Year Paper Title Authors Journal Title Issue.No
2018 A gradient grating period guided-mode resonance spectrometer Hsu, H-Y, Lan Y-H, and Huang, C-S* IEEE Photonics Journal
2017 An EWOD-based micro diluter with high flexibility on dilution ratio Wang, Y-B, Huang, J-H, Lee, M-S, Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Yamashita, I, Tu, Y-Y, Hsu, W Microsystem Technologies
2017 Droplet-based label-free detection system based on guided-mode resonance and electowetting-on-dielectric for concentration measurement Wang, Y-B, Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, W† Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
2017 Real-time CRP detection from whole blood using micropost-embedded microfluidic chip incorporated with label-free biosensor Tsai, M-Z, Hsiung, C-T, Chen, Y, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, H-Y, Hsieh, P-Y Analyst
2016 Optimization of a guided-mode resonance filter by varying the thickness of the buffer layer Hsu, H. I., Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S* Chinese Optics Letters
2016 Linear variable filter based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter Lin, H-A and Huang, C-S* IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
2016 Photonic crystal micropost as a microarray platform Chang, C-W and Huang, C-S* Optics Express
2016 Integration of a guided-mode resonance filter with microposts for in-cell protein detection Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* Analyst
2016 Compact spectrometer system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S* Optics Express
2015 Photonic crystal-enhanced fluorescence through the extraction of dually polarized modes Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T and Huang, C-S* Optics Letters
2013 SU8 inverted-rib waveguide Bragg grating filter Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C Applied Optics
2012 Line-scanning detection instrument for photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S., Polans, J., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. Optics Letters
2012 Multiplexed cancer biomarker detection using quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. Analytical Chemistry
2012 Plastic-based distributed feedback laser biosensors in microplate format Tan, Y., Ge, C., Chu, A., Lu, M., Goldshlag, W., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Cunningham, B. T. IEEE Sensors Journal
2011 Spatially selective photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence and application to background reduction for biomolecule detection assays Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., Polans, J., Schulz, S. C., and Cunningham, B. T. Optics Express
2011 Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to cancer biomarker microarrays Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. Analytical Chemistry
2010 Photobleaching on photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence surfaces Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, George, S., and Cunningham, B. T. Journal of Fluorescence
2010 Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Vikram, C., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. Optics Express
2010 Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. Applied Physics Letters
2009 SU-8 rib waveguide Bragg grating filter using composite stamp and solvent-assisted microcontact molding technique Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C Journal of Micro/Nanolithography,MEMS, and MOEMS
2009 Fabrication of an elastomeric rib waveguide Bragg grating filter Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C Journal of the Optical Society of America B
2008 Large core single mode rib SU8 waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C Applied Optics
2008 Flexible polymeric rib waveguide with self aligned couplers system Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 1
2008 Development of a microfabricated optical bend loss sensor for distribute pressure measurement Wang, W-C, Ledous, W.R., Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Klute, G.K., and Reinhall, P.G. IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng. 2
2007 Resonant polymeric waveguide cantilever integrated for optical scanning Panergo, R. Huang, C-S Liu, C-S Reinhall, P.G. Wang, W-C Journal of Lightwave Technology 3
Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location
2018 Applications of gradient grating period guided-mode resonance in spectral measurement Huang, C-S* PIERS Japan
2017 Design and fabrication of compact spectrometer based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S* Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim Singapore
2016 Design and Fabrication of a Linear Filter Based on a Gradient Grating Period Guided-Mode Resonance Cheng-Sheng Huang Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC)
2016 The optical response of guided-mode resonance filter with varying thickness of the buffer layer Hsu, H. I, Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S* Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC)
2016 Chip-size wavelength detector based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications
2016 Compact wavelength detection system based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter Cheng-Sheng Huang Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
2015 Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence through extraction of dual polarization modes Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T, and Huang. C-S* Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim
2015 Integration of guided-mode resonance with micropost filter for in-cell protein detection Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* Optofluidics
2015 Integration of photonic crystal and electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics for concentration measurement Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Wang, Y-B, Huang, C-S* and Hsu, W-S Optofluidics
2012 Quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces for multiplexed cancer biomarker detection Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. IEEE Sensors Taipei
2011 Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to antibody microarrays Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
2011 Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. IEEE Sensors Conference
2011 Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy: multimode imaging for photonic crystal biosensors Chaudhery, V., Lidstone, E.A., George, S., Huang, C.S., Kohl, A., and Cunningham, B.T. OSA Optics in the Life Sciences Congress Monterey
2009 Design and fabrication of an inverted rib waveguide Bragg grating Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems
2008 Fabrication of Bragg grating on rib waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
2008 Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector Wang, H-J, Polishak, B., Huang, C-S, Luo, J., Jen, A.K.Y., and Wang, W-C LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
2005 Developments of a force image algorithm for micromachined optical bend loss sensor Huang, C-Y, Liu, C-S, Panergo, R., Huang, C-S, and Wang, W-C SPIE NDE Health Monitoring and Diagnostics
2003 Stress singularities, stress intensities and fracture initiation at sharp reentrant corners in elastic plates in bending Huang, C-S and Labossiere, P. 7th International Conference on Assessment and Control of Damage and Fracture Mechanics
Publish Date Patent Title Authors Patent Number Patent Country
2016/07/29 一種分光器及其光譜儀 黃正昇、林信安 I 541493 中華民國
2016/05/07 Pressure and shear strength measuring apparatus and method Yang Bingxiang, Olivia Cheng I 482953 ROC
2016/05/07 壓力及剪力量測裝置及方法 黃正昇、楊秉祥、鄭文雅 CN 103913258 A 中國大陸
2016/05/07 Pressure and shear force measurement device and method Yang, B-S, Jang, W-Y, Cheng-Sheng Huang US 9109963 B2 美國